Nutrition, wellbeing and bereavement services

Nutritional Therapy<br />

“My first consultation was relaxed and very friendly and I felt able to talk openly about my physical and mental state without any judgment on Vanessa’s behalf. She was comforting and gave me hope that there were things we could do to help me”

Nutritional Therapy

Are you confused by some of the conflicting messages you may have come across regarding health and nutrition? I can offer some clarity on this, as well as devising for you a clear and practical programme, tailored to your specific needs. I specialise in stress, anxiety, fatigue and grief and have extensively researched how our emotions can affect our physical health.

The first appointment will take 90 minutes during which we will cover your current concerns, your medical and family history and, of course, your diet. We will talk about how you can move forward with a dietary and supplement protocol plus lifestyle advice, targeted to your particular situation. You will also be given a collection of recipes.

Fees include my time spent researching and preparing your programme before and after your consultation. A follow up consultation is usually held 4 weeks later in order to monitor progress.

When necessary, diagnostic tests can be arranged for thyroid function, adrenal function, gut health etc.

See Consultations page for fees and the packages offered

“My first consultation was relaxed and very friendly and I felt able to talk openly about my physical and mental state without any judgment on Vanessa’s behalf. She was comforting and gave me hope that there were things we could do to help me”

Holistic Grief Support

“Speaking with someone who understood exactly what I was going through was like gold dust. Vanessa gave me a platform where I could air my great sadness and grief in a very safe space”

Holistic Grief Support

I offer an integrated approach to grief and take into consideration how it can affect mind, body and spirit. I have personal experience of how devastating loss can be so you will be working with someone who really gets it – many of my clients chose to work with me specifically for this reason.

As a holistic grief coach and certified grief educator, trained by leading grief expert, David Kessler, I aim to be a compassionate voice in a sea of unhelpful platitudes and unrealistic expectations. Grief can be a very isolating experience but I believe it can make a marked difference if you talk to someone who, through their own similar experience, can truly understand your pain, who can provide not only heartfelt compassion but also practical advice, coping skills and strategies for emotional and physical health and wellbeing. You can read more here about how I can support you.

Grief coaching sessions take place weekly or fortnightly.

Please contact me: for further information.

Instagram for grief: @may.wellbeing

“Speaking with someone who understood exactly what I was going through was like gold dust. Vanessa gave me a platform where I could air my great sadness and grief in a very safe space”

Wellbeing Coaching<br />

“I found coaching sessions with Vanessa invaluable in my quest for wellbeing (both emotional and physical)… I would highly recommend her”

Wellbeing Coaching

Wellbeing coaching is a powerful and inspirational way of exploring what you really want from life. I can give you the tools to close the gap between where you are and where you would like to be. Coaching can enable you to recognise patterns of beliefs and behaviour which may be holding you back from achieving your true potential. This may apply to many areas of your life, affecting mind, body and spirit.

Poor self esteem, feeling unfulfilled in your job or experiencing challenging relationships, for example, can have a considerable impact on your physical and emotional wellbeing.

If you’re at a place in your life where you’re feeling stuck, then I can give you the confidence to proactively move forward in all aspects of your health and wellbeing. Wellbeing coaching can help to awaken your intuition, giving you greater insight into your true purpose in life.

Wellbeing coaching sessions take place weekly or fortnightly.

See Consultations page for fees and the packages offered

“I found coaching sessions with Vanessa invaluable in my quest for wellbeing (both emotional and physical)… I would highly recommend her”